Resource Exploration
Resource Exploration
GeoLogo provides companies or individuals geological or structural expertise on their petroleum or ore deposit or prospect. Do you want to know about the volume and the geologic uncertainty? GeoLogo LLC is helping companies or individuals to understand the geological context of prospects, provides mapping and evaluating potential volumes and is helping to mitigate geologic and economic risks.
GeoLogo LLC is providing the following services:
- Supporting exploration leadership and partners in their decisions going forward.
- Leading integrated multi-disciplinary and multicultural subsurface teams
- Geologic surface mapping and fault mapping
- 2D and 3D seismic interpretation, structural mapping
- Data integration
- Fault mapping, fault framework construction, cross-section balancing, sequential 2D and 3D reconstruction
- Basin evolution, tectono-sedimentary evolution
GeoLogo provides companies or individuals geological or structural expertise on their petroleum or ore deposit or prospect. Do you want to know about the volume and the geologic uncertainty? GeoLogo LLC is helping companies or individuals to understand the geological context of prospects, provides mapping and evaluating potential volumes and is helping to mitigate geologic and economic risks.
GeoLogo LLC is providing the following services:
- Supporting exploration leadership and partners in their decisions going forward.
- Leading integrated multi-disciplinary and multicultural subsurface teams
- Geologic surface mapping and fault mapping
- 2D and 3D seismic interpretation, structural mapping
- Data integration
- Fault mapping, fault framework construction, cross-section balancing, sequential 2D and 3D reconstruction
- Basin evolution, tectono-sedimentary evolution
Leading integrated multi-disciplinary and multicultural subsurface teams
GeoLogo LLC is leading integrated multi-disciplinary and multicultural subsurface teams in their prospect maturation efforts. We will supervise and integrate the multi-disciplinary datasets and we will be preparing and conducting presentations for exploration review teams, exploration management and partners.
Data integration
GeoLogo LLC is specializing in integrating surface and subsurface data from all sorts of data, like seismic, surface geology, geophysical data, sequence stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, well data, seismic inversion products, etc.
Geologic surface mapping and fault mapping
From having mapped the Alpine and Andean fold-thrust belts for many years, GeoLogo LLC is highly experienced in field mapping and in creating geological maps and balanced cross-sections. Satellite images are used to interpolate and extrapolate the surface mapping. 2D cross-sections and 3D models highlight inconsistencies.
Supporting exploration leadership and partners in their decisions going forward
In GeoLogo LLC we have many years of experience in petroleum exploration, structural geology, seismic interpretation and reservoir modeling with a big international O&G company. We are highly skilled in identifying, capturing, mapping and maturing subsurface opportunities. We are able to make recommendations to exploration leadership and partners for bid-rounds, farm-ins, lease sales, and drilling decisions. We are well known for our strong analytics and problem-solving. We are constantly trying to ‘think-out-of-the-box’, find new solutions and applications in order to solve problems.
2D and 3D seismic interpretation, structural mapping
GeoLogo LLC is leading edge in 2D/3D seismic interpretation. We are highly experienced in the seismic interpretation software Petrel, Landmark (SeisWorks), and 3D Canvas (Paradigm) as well as the semi-automatic seismic interpretation software (PaleoScan).
Fault framework construction, cross-section balancing, sequential 2D and 3D restoration
GeoLogo LLC has 25+ years of experience in fault mapping, creating structural cross-sections, cross-section balancing and 2D/3D sequential restoration, and in building and modeling fault frame-works. We are experienced in 2D/3D Move, LithoTect, StructureSolver and the 3D modeling software Petrel and Gocad/SKUA.
Basin evolution, tectono-sedimentary evolution
The sequential interaction between tectonics and sedimentation, or the lack of it, defines the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the depositional basin. Detailed mapping and cross-cutting relationships between strata and faults define this interaction. Understanding the tectono-sedimentary evolution is crucial for understanding the depositional and tectonic environment, it gives information on reservoir quality and fluid migration through time.