

International Journals

  • Guzofski, C.A., Mueller, J.P., Shaw, J.H., Muron, P., Medwedeff, D.A., Bilotti, F. & Rivero, C. (2009): Insights into the mechanisms of fault-related folding provided by volumetric structural restorations using spatially varying mechanical constraints.- AAPG Bulletin, v. 93, no. 4, pp. 479–502.
  • Müller, J.P., Kley, J. & Jacobshagen, V. (2002): Structure and Cenozoic kinematics of the Eastern Cordillera, southern Bolivia (21°S).- Tectonics, 21(5),, doi:10.1029/2001TC001340.
  • Jacobshagen V., Müller, J., Wemmer, K., Ahrendt, H. & Manutsoglu, E. (2002): Hercynian deformation and metamorphism in the Cordillera Oriental of Southern Bolivia, Central Andes.- Tectonophysics, 345 (1-4): 119-130.
  • Jacobshagen, V., Mertmann, D., Müller, J. & Tawackoli, S. (1997): The Eastern Cordillera of Southern Bolivia: Tectonic evolution in Phanerozoic times.- Zentralbl. Geol. Paläont., Teil 1, H. 3-6: 571-579.
  • Kley. J., Müller, J., Tawackoli, S., Jacobshagen, V. & Manutsoglu, E. (1997): Pre-Andean and Andean-age deformation in the Eastern Cordillera of southern Bolivia.- J. South Am. Earth Sci., 10: 1-19.

Conference papers

  • Shaw, J.H., Guzofski, C.A., Mueller, J.P., Plesch, A., Muron, P., Bilotti, F., Medwedeff, D.A., & Rivero, C. (2006): Insights into Fault Related Folding Provided by 3D Structural Restorations Using Mechanical Constraints.- AGU Fall Meeting 2006, abstract id. T52A-02.
  • Müller, J.P., Guzofski, C., Rivero, C., Plesch A., Shaw, J. H., Muron, P., Bilotti, F. & Medwedeff, D. (2005): New Approaches to 3D Structural Restoration in Fold-and-thrust Belts using growth strata.- Abstracts Volume, AAPG 2005 Annual Convention, Calgary: A97.
  • Müller, J.P., Guzofski, C., Plesch A., Shaw, J. H., Muron, P., Medwedeff, D., Bilotti, F. & Rivero, C. (2005): 3-D Restoration of Contractional Structures in Gocad: Case Studies.- Proceedings 25th Gocad Meeting June 6-9, 2005, Nancy: 1-6.
  • Müller, J.P., Jacobshagen, V., Wemmer, K. & Ahrendt, H. (1998): Crustal shortening in the backarc of the Central Andes, Eastern Cordillera (S Bolivia).- Abstracts with Programs, GSA (Annual Meeting), 1998, Toronto: A-238, BTH 45.
  • Müller, J.P., Jacobshagen, V., Wemmer, K. & Ahrendt, H. (1998): The Tupiza fault zone: polyphase tectonic reactivation of an early Paleozoic intracontinental slope break in the Eastern Cordillera, S Bolivia.- Terra Nostra (98/5), 16. Geowiss. Lateinam.-Kolloq., 1998, Bayreuth: 113-114.
  • Müller, J., Egenhoff, S.O., Maletz, J., Jacobshagen, V. & Erdtmann, B.-D. (1997): The Ordovician basin in the Eastern Cordillera of southern Bolivia: a first attempt of reconstructing its geometry.- Gaea heidelbergensis (abstracts), 3, 18th IAS, Reg. Europ. Meeting of Sedimentology, 1997, Heidelberg: 246.
  • Müller, J., Maletz, J., Jacobshagen, V. & Erdtmann, B.-D. (1996): Hinweise auf kaledonische (ocloyische) und eoherzynische (chanische) Tektonik in Südbolivien.- Terra Nostra, 8/96, 15. Geowiss. Lateinam.-Kolloq., 1996, Hamburg: 102-103.
  • Müller, J., Maletz, J., Egenhoff, S. & Erdtmann, B.-D. (1996): Turbiditas Caradocianas – (?) Ashgillianas inferiores en la Cordillera Oriental al sur de Bolivia: Implicaciones cinemáticas.- Memorias del XII Congreso Geológico de Bolivia, II: 747-753.
  • Müller, J., Tawackoli, S., Kley, J. and Jacobshagen, V. (1995): Tectonic Evolution of the Western Part of the Eastern Cordillera (Southern Bolivia).- EUG 8, Strasbourg, Abstract supplement N°. 1 to TERRA nova, 7: 281.