
Do you need geological expertise on your prospect? Do you want to know about the volume and the geologic uncertainty? GeoLogo LLC is helping you to understand the geological context of your prospect, is helping you in evaluating the potential volume and to mitigate geologic risks. 14 years of expertise in exploration with an integrated O&G major, provided us with the tools and understanding in order to help you with your prospect. You will receive a world-class evaluation of your deposit.

Do you need geological expertise on your prospect? Do you want to know about the volume and the geologic uncertainty? GeoLogo LLC is helping you to understand the geological context of your prospect, is helping you in evaluating the potential volume and to mitigate geologic risks. 14 years of expertise in exploration with an integrated O&G major, provided us with the tools and understanding in order to help you with your prospect. You will receive a world-class evaluation of your deposit.
Understand your property!
“What are the geologic history, volumes and the geologic risks?”
Geotechnical Consulting
GeoLogo LLC is helping you to make better decisions in planning and to mitigate geologic risks. Whether you want to buy land, build a home or a road – we will inform you about the stability of the ground. We will make sure that you don’t buy or build on moving ground, like landslides and fault lines. We will put your mind at ease, so that you don’t have to worry about landslides which are destroying your home. If you have already purchased a home or property, GeoLogo LLC will evaluate the ground stability and potentially provide a mitigation plan for further erosion.

Geotechnical Consulting
GeoLogo LLC is helping you to make better decisions in planning and to mitigate geologic risks. Whether you want to buy land, build a home or a road – we will inform you about the stability of the ground. We will make sure that you don’t buy or build on moving ground, like landslides and fault lines. We will put your mind at ease, so that you don’t have to worry about landslides which are destroying your home. If you have already purchased a home or property, GeoLogo LLC will evaluate the ground stability and potentially provide a mitigation plan for further erosion.

Joachim P. Mueller, PH.D.
Founder and CEO of GeoLogo LLC
Structural Geologist and Explorationist with global experience as subsurface subject matter expert and 14 years in the petroleum industry. Joachim graduated in geology from the University of Karlsruhe KIT, Germany, in 1993 and received his Ph.D. (doctorate, magna cum laude) from the Free University of Berlin, Germany, in 2000. He did a postgraduate fellowship from 2004-2006 at Harvard University with the Structural Geology and Earth Resources Group under Prof. Dr. John Shaw.
Dr. Mueller worked from 2006-2020 for Chevron Corporation most aspects of petroleum exploration and reservoir management. His expertise embraces a wide variety of petroleum basins worldwide. He worked most tectonic regimes and in most depositional settings from fluvio-lacustrine, deltaic, shallow-marine, deep marine, carbonate reef. He is a skilled mentor, a highly driven self-starter, and fascinated by new technologies.
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Contact us for a free consultation. We offer the best expertiseto get your production back on track